Monday, December 15, 2008

Catching up

Dear accidental reader;
It has been a while since my last post.
Sorry, but I've been pessimistacally engaged.
There are a couple of things worth mentioning.

First, there is that election. I become more suspicious by the day, that this "victory" is a mere illusion, just a bit fancier and more colorful than the last.

Then there is the business of disgust. I just saw a BurgerKing commercial, "Whopper Virgin" I believe its called. Title aside, there is just something disgustingly wrong about using an Inuit to sell your burger, and something wrong in the notion that she would want a burger, and something evil in spreading your diseased fastfood to the world. Commercialism, capitalism, consumerism have no end, no ethics, no decency, no resposibility. This lastest example just reminds me.

And now for something completely different...The whole shoe throwing incident was as funny as it was pathetic. Have you ever seen a president dodge shoes? A fitting end to a miserable eight years. What makes this pathetic is that we had to endure 8 years and war and hunger and environnmental disaster and so on without challenges. How can we laugh now, when we allowed this for 8years?

And now...the larch. Sorry, I meant ladder. I had a fall off a ladder and would have been bed-ridden if it weren't for the fact that I need to continue to work. Sure, I'm fortunate to have a job, or two when others are in need, out of work, or hungry. I am fortunate; however, If we had universal healthcare I would not fear losing this job, any job would do. If we had governments that truely served their people, then I would not need to feel guilty for having a job when others don't. What's a government good for, if it won't serve its people? Commercialism, capitolism, consumerism, I suppose are to blame. Then doesn't something more social and civil sound better? Will another system help?Am I assuming too much? After all we are human, and it seems to be our nature to take more than our share, take more than we share.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Convulsions of a Politico Masochist

These are trying times.

Times in which an end or a beginning is one opinion swayed.

Or is that one perspective?

Or one piece of propaganda?

Will history repeat itself and a people robbed of hope?

Or will history be made?

For me, I see no source of hope. There is only a bleak end.

What will change? What can change? What will be allowed?

The stage had been set and the rules have been passed.

For every election. I am relegated to the pondering of a vote for a lesser evil.

What will change?

Perhaps a perception of change is all that is needed.

Perhaps the belief is all that is needed to cause change.

Perhaps this awakens democracy and truly a beginning of progress sets in.

Perhaps we are fooled again. 

Every amateur political fan predicting a landslide victory for Obama punctuates his statements with “unless…”

There is always doubt, there is always fear, there is always an eerie whisper of unshameful mendacity.

Will there be change?

Will change be allowed?

What will that change be?

True change comes quickly.

Change is a sudden and radical alteration of present reality.

All else is evolution or stagnation, mindless of its color or promise.

After months of contemplating and complaining, I ask myself, will I vote?

The better question is “if I vote will it count, even if I vote for the winner?”

The conclusion is no, on both counts.

There is a play performed. Democracy, socialism, totalitarianism, and so on, till end, are plays performed. Anyone, a politico, is aware of the play. The roles change to suit the times, the philosophies change to hold the masses, but the play goes on.

And to this end, convulsions temper a mind unable to rest, unable to change. 

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Friday, September 05, 2008

take me to Ramadan

this will do just until i energize, just until i find Ramadan and live at least one month of peace.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Mahmoud Darwich 1941-2008

And coffee swirls to mud
The smoke circles up mourning clouds
And I’m left gasping at somber news
The death comes an unbound burn
And he’s gone to join his immortal olive trees
The roots cut and dust replaces our precious fruit

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Back from Lebanon

I've been back for a week, but it's taken me this long to return to functionality from a long and frustratingly surreal trip. Lebanon kicks your ass even before you get off the plane from a rediculous 17hour torture flight. Then it gets worse. But for those who long for that breath of sweet polluted air of home and that taste of bitter sand, it could seem like heaven.
For all its grime, Lebanon posseses an unrivaled beauty that captivates us and drags us into an intoxicating abyss of nostalgia. 
Lebanon is a disciplinarian that laughs at your pain then gives you ice cream in an ancient village, (damn good ice cream too).
One thought that sticks with me is the description of Lebanon that is too vulgar for print, but it survives in a rythymic khaos that mezmerizes
I'll miss it and long to return, so much so that I'd probably lose fortunes and decades seeking the return.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

On my way to Beirut

This is Detroit Airport McNamara terminal from gate 60 weighting for flight to Amman with 269 other passangers
This is from inside the Royal Jordanian flight from my seat. At this point only half the people boarded and a woman insisted that I was in her seat. We and one more person had the same assigned seat. Only on RJ. BTW these seats still had ashtrays even though it's been years since you could smoke on the plane.

Take off. I had to look outside. I convinced myslef that the loose parts and paint chips were normal. At least there were no gremlins.
Sunset from 39,000 feet. 
Waiting for my connecting flight to Beirut at the Queen Alia International Airport with my $9 coffe and cheese. At least I found Wi-Fi. 

Next stop Beirut then South Lebanon.  

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Experimental design (arabesque doily??)

Ok, this isn't IBJ quality, but that's why it's called practise.

For the good stuff check this out...

lunatic experimentation

as I took flight, the rivets creaked out of their placement letting parts escape without responsibility.
The hurling down to earth wings gave up on us and let us to our prayers.
I knew I'd always die in a plane over the Atlantic, but it was to be eight years ago. Today was supposed to be a good day

(still messing with a new camera, not the shot I was looking for, but I like it.)

Friday, June 06, 2008

Transient Travel?

I'm not one to be impulsive, but I woke up one day and decided to go back to Lebanon, sure it's just a visit, but in my situation it's a big decision. So in late June, I'll be home, and for the first time it will be with my family.

I am anxious to introduce my two American born, English speaking sons to Lebanon. It is bound to be a memorable experience. I hope they find it as enlightening as I had my first trip.

Now, does anyone know where to take a couple of kids in Lebanon? What's safe and what's exciting and what's uniquely Lebanon?

Friday, May 16, 2008

What is not pictured

Spring, in my part of the world, comes in riding a storm. This is what it leaves behind. My shutter was too slow to capture the dragonfly's taking of flight. What is not pictured is the futility of the transformation of this earth's inhabitants come spring. New storms are on the horizon and their flesh-splitting winter dry is only days away. The euphoria and sense of life are only attached by micron threads to a whilting pod. But I can not take flight. I must endure a lie and watch helplessly as one seed of hope detaches, one after the next. And then again barren, left to contemplate the change without change is an earth ready to die.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Transient is out

Seeking some unvoluntary psychiatric help

Friday, April 25, 2008

Who's buying this crap?

Or better yet, who's selling it? Those would be the names you should fear.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Reality Bytes

So, U.S. Presedential Candidate John McCain would not rule out a pre-emptive war against another country, wanna guess what country he'd go after?

Gas in Michigan is $3.49/gal while U.S. oil companies made a $168Billion profit. How long before a revolt?

The FAA, charged with regulating airlines, keep quite thousands of airline violations and allowed unsafe airplanes to fly. Still afraid of a terror strike?

The U.S. administration and the generals in charge of the war on Iraq, can not point out what the qualifiers are to withdraw from Iraq. We may be there for a 100 years as McCain implied.

Food safety is at an all time low, yet everything from poisoned fish to expired milk is approved for sale by the people hired to protect us.

Some packaged foods include human byproducts, animal waste, incests, poisons, and fat that can keep you from decomposing long after you've died.

Everyone is talking about all the lead in toys from China, yet thousands of beauty products like lipstick made by U.S. companies have high levels of lead, and they are still on the store shelves. 

And this is just what i can remember at 3:00am, what about everything I've missed?

A word of advice...don't eat any packaged food, don't eat fast food, don't fly, don't drink milk, don't buy into any politician's bull, don't vote Republican, don't sit quite, don't...

Sunday, March 30, 2008

I am transient IV

A trek unwillingly begun after a slight and minor tear of a colored wrap
warps me endlessly to an imbalanced stance and a failed state of daze. frustration from a source unknown hovers about as a merciless bird of prey praying for my soon to be end to quickly arrive. I stagger by staggered breaths pulled forcefully only to survive an elongated tortuous tale in a world unrecognizable by any bit of sanity and brush aside any remnants of a colored wrap until they send me the vivid reminders in eloquent storied photographs.

(photo borrowed from source unknown)

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Defiling reality

1. A local columnist wrote a peice that states that the Palestinians are getting too much love from the media.
2. Another professor has been dismissed for protesting for Palestinian human rights.
3. Jewish settlers want to sue the Palestinian Authority for suicide bombings.
4. The US is linking two traditional rivals, Iran and Al-Qiada.
5. Lebanon is still embracing its slave masters.
6. And on the second day of spring, it is snowing heavily.

Links to come...or not. Who cares really.

Monday, March 03, 2008

the richness of soil

my soil nurtures the implanted
whether fruitful saplings
or cancerous vines
that grow primarily in green luster then continue to wrap and sufficate the earth
until no other life is permitted sun.
my soil is rich.


Saturday, February 23, 2008

failing roots

So farewell—to the little good you bear me.
Farewell? a long farewell to all my greatness!
This is the state of man: to-day he puts forth
The tender leaves of hopes, to-morrow blossoms,
And bears his blushing honors thick upon him;
The third day comes a frost, a killing frost,
And when he thinks, good easy man, full surely
His greatness is a-ripening, nips his root,
And then he falls as I do.

Henry The Eighth Act 3, scene 2, 350–358

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Siraj's featured artist

These are images of the featured artist exhibit at Siraj. The artist is Mohamad Bazzi.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Did I mention my restaurant?

One of the reasons I've been busy lately. This is the restaurant me and my brother an old friend just opened. It is based on the Fawal of back home. Traditional Arabic breakfast of Foul, Msabaha, Feteh and so on. It's located at 14246 W. Warren in Dearborn in a plaza between Shatila and Yasmeen. Let me know when you're stopping by.
I'm not there all the time, gotta keep that corporate day job...for now.
I'll have better pics later (with people).

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


A year as this seemingly was never meant to come.
A passive meld of wait and worry, a snub of a job,
unreturned e-mails lead to calls unreturned.
sites deleted lacking of responce.
unanswered prayers, appointments not met,
even my dreams don't include me - as if I'm walking through like a ghost.
I feel an apperition walked through.
I'd be nothing more than a memory, if someone would remember.
A year as this? perhaps I'm already dead.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Demonizing Muslims, Bush, Obama and the American Way.

I tried to stay away from politics and other stressful topics, but it never lasts long...

I recently received a very disturbing e-mail at work. It is one that has been forwarded several times to countless people, stating not only lies, but the politics and racism of the person sending it. The e-mail stated some urban myths about U.S. Presidential candidate Barack Obama’s “Muslim” background. Obama never claimed to be Muslim and is a practicing Christian.

The e-mailer asks “who is Barack Obama?” and “Let us all remain alert concerning Obama's expected presidential candidacy. The Muslims have said they plan on destroying the US from the inside out, what better way to start than at the highest level - through the President of the United States, one of their own!!!!” The signs off with “Please forward to everyone you know. Would you want this man leading our country?...... NOT ME!!!
Obviously, none of the “facts” stated by the e-mailer were checked, none of her statements were true, any bit of reality or research would prove that. More research would expose this e-mailer as a racist who just copied an e-mail that has been circulating the internet ever since Obama began his campaign.
I’m not alarmed by the misleading or blatantly false information, it is this person’s and many other’s ability to propagate this information without repercussions and with the intent of demeaning others, that is what I find so alarming.

What I find even more alarming is the implication that any Muslim is a threat to American and is by default a terrorist.

I’m not an Obama supporter, and this is not an attack on him, it is an attack on Muslims.

Although alarming, this should not have surprised me, other candidates for President of the United States of America are just as racist. If my fears were not elevated during the current administration, they certainly will be if one of these guys wins.

Rudy Giuliani is running his campaign based on 9/11. He is running the “Ready” campaign using images of Muslims screaming in a commercial with the voice-over calling them “A people perverted”

Mike Huckabee uses the expression “Islamofascism” wherever he can and states on his website “Radical Islamic Facists have declared war on our country and our way of life”

John McCain when asked about religion and the presidency he stated that only Christians should be president.

Mitt Romney said that he will never appoint a Muslim as a cabinet minister.

Fred Thompson when the “clash” between Iranian boats and US naval ships apparently occurred said “I think one more step and” the Iranians “would have been introduced to those virgins that they look forward to seeing”

Speaking of that clash…the administration is out to find a reason to attack Iran.
Reports of the incident conflict, the voice threatening the US ships did not come from Iranian boats and the boat that approached the US ships was unarmed.

Bush met with Olmert this past week telling him that even though US intelligence states that Iran does not have a hostile nuclear program, he doubts it and his beliefs lead him to think otherwise. Bush is going against his country’s intelligence and making dangerous statements to a foreign leader. What beliefs is Bush acting on?
It sounds too much like the build up to Iraq. The betting odds are 18-to-1 that Bush starts a war with Iran before leaving office.

So, why is it so easy to label all Muslims as terrorists, attack other countries based on a hunch, and say anything without repercussion? I do have my theories, but each one is scarier than the other.

Friday, January 11, 2008

And then it happened…

As I finally began a relent to sleep by four hundred and forty four winks, it happened; the breaking of barriers and the release of restrictive constrictive weight, an allowance to float, wading the expanse. Lightness as the liquid, fluid coast of mind and thought, freed. Drifting, almost drowning, I succumb and gulp the waters, more drowning. Lightness turns to sink, a struggle to gain comfort in overwhelming unbound wisdom. Four hundred and forty four winks stop in shortness of comfort and rest as eyes flash open one final time. The clock is dead, caught at four forty four. I ask you, “what does it mean?”