So farewell—to the little good you bear me.
Farewell? a long farewell to all my greatness!
This is the state of man: to-day he puts forth
The tender leaves of hopes, to-morrow blossoms,
And bears his blushing honors thick upon him;
The third day comes a frost, a killing frost,
And when he thinks, good easy man, full surely
His greatness is a-ripening, nips his root,
And then he falls as I do.
Henry The Eighth Act 3, scene 2, 350–358
wow, at first i thought it was your writing. i guess your writing is pretty good if a line from sheikh sfeir reminds me of your writing.
Ibn Bint Jbeil,
I second what you said :) I thought so too.
If that's a completment, I thank you both.
I started to write my feelings toward the present state of the "jnoun" of my homeland and decided that this quote fits a bit more snug.
the artwork (a transient original)is a direct representation of that state.
straight syntax
just stay off the road
We've got orders to implement ruin
gorgeous wow
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