Tuesday, January 02, 2007

So farewell. Farewell mindless misery.

Another year has ended.
This one has taken its toll more than most for me.
So to bid farewell to the year is not sorrowful.
A year full of tragedy and death.

The summer began with the death of my younger brother.
It took me a couple of months to learn how to breath again, but not well enough to talk about it.

Then the War on Lebanon, more death. It made me start blogging, (I wanted to blog about my brother as a memorial and for therapy, but couldn't type the words. I may later)

Thankfully the War part is over even if other tragedies continued with fall out, spoils and ordanances left as explosive reminders.

So i'm happy to leave 2006 behind, I'll never forget it, but I'm glad to leave it.

so what will '07 bring? Will we finally know some peace? Will '06 look good in comparison?