When is it o.k., even cheered to kill a child? When that child is Palestinian and the world continues to reward Israel for their ethnic-cleansing.
Three Palestinian children in the Gaza Strip were killed when an Israeli tank opened fire on the Jabaliya refugee camp which is located in the north of Gaza. According to media reports, two children, 10 and 12 years-old, were killed immediately. Their cousin, a 12 year-old girl, was pronounced dead after efforts to save her life failed. This brings the number of Palestinian children killed during this week, as a result of Israeli military operations, to nine.
And it is all o.k. Silence makes it so....
This is nothing new…
A Jewish settler who clubbed a Palestinian child to death with a rifle butt was sentenced to six months' community service.
Soldiers from the Israeli Defence Force fired live ammunition repeatedly on a 12 year-old Palestinian boy. The IDF stated that it is not their policy to harm women and children.
As a 13 year-old Palestinian schoolgirl was walking home, A soldier cautioned his commander shouting, "Don't shoot. It's a little girl". The company commander, as the soldiers testifies, "approached her, shot two bullets into her [head], walked back towards the force, turned back to her, switched his weapon to automatic and emptied his entire magazine into her." An army investigation later cleared him of any "unethical conduct"
Three Palestinian school children were "accidentally" shot while in their classroom by Israeli soldiers. The troop commander said they were on routine patrol when they thought they saw a gun through a school window. They fired without warning killing the three children.
Three other Palestinian children were shot and killed by Israel. The children were targeted and killed as collective punishment for a local militia’s activity.
and it goes on, and on...