Monday, December 31, 2007

Of all elaborate plans

One more day and it will be another milestone birthday. This seems to be the worst. It is not that the destination is a source for all that is depressing, yet it is the uneventful, unremarkable, torturously bland journey by which I have arrived at this milestone that rankles me so.

As my friend IBJ insists, it is but another number, one that can be played or repainted on or molded into another shape to view as wondrous or insignificant as we please. He actually used more readily repeatable words of “Broa, shut-up. It’s just a number.” However the gist is just as memorable, I can’t focus on the number, but a milestone is reached non-the-less and for my memory being waned or failing I am unable to claim many goals attained by this passing day.

{Each New Year is another year gone for me, some say it is one of those false birthdates listed by immigrants, but whether it be January 1st or July 4th, an other year passes despite, in spite}

It is not so much the day, more the past days. What have I found along this journey, what will be found in my continued quest, and what is my final destination? My journey began more remarkable than it ends, with the obligatory marks set at college degree, employment, marriage, children and the like. Sure there was the brief stint on an illuminated trail, but no revelation, no discovery, no history and worst, no dreams realized. On the eve of a new year, my friend comments that you either are who you want to be or were never meant to be that person. Troubling words. As cryptic as they may be, they will haunt me. What am I? Who was I to be? Is this all? What determines who you are?

Is it even a question of quality of journey verses a value of destination, where is the emphasis? And if the destination is lacking in luster, will the journey fade in brilliance? Conversely, is a miserable trek rewarded? Surely in an after life, but will it in this?

By being who I am now at this stage in my life, it seems that this is exactly who I was meant to be. Or have I missed some turn? Optimistically, the journey has not ended, yet. There may be another turn up ahead. Pessimistically, I will fail to recognize it once more, or be reluctant to take it leading to a far more eventful journey. Then I may be who I was meant to be.

That story can still be filmed,
That book can still be written,
This life can still be extinguished before that turn appears.
Well, another number awaits my arrival, happy birthday to me.


AM said...

Well 'the obligatory marks set at college degree, employment, marriage, children and the like' are not easy to achieve ... and you did ... and this constitutes a life ... many of us out there at almost of the same age are still struggling with those obligatory marks as you call them.

As for 'you are what you are meant to be', i believe it is true. Nothing happens unless He approves it. He will in his own way block whatever you're not meant to be and direct you to what you are meant to be or become ... which leads me to my philosophy in life 'you can try your best but you cannot force it. If it is not meant to be, it will not be'.

Oh and happy birthday :)

transient said...

thanks for the birthday wishes, and part of your comments I agree with and part make me more depressed, but that has been the story for a long time, so cheers :)

also, nice to hear from you again.

Dr. Zakariyya Guindi said...

am, i believe you are giving a presentation to mr. transient (if that is his real name) that puts him in the thinking that everryhing is okay. it is not okay. the worse thing you ganna do to a person is to offer him a lie and him accept it and think he is fine. mr. tansient (if that is his real name) is a very diturbed individual. i want to do not want to disrupt the patient-doctor priviledge, but here i fell is necessary since blogs are ananamous for many of you to hide your covertly hidden problems caused by deep psychological neurosis. we believe in fun ways of solving psychology for the individual, doing this in give-and-take type of therapy sessions, one-on-one or in groups of therapy patients, even if this is online on the internet.

Dr. Zakariyya Guindi said...

OR on the internet.

transient said...

Guindi, you're a and incompetent bastard!