Sunday, December 09, 2007

congratulations, welcome to the team

Well, these past couple of months I've been out of touch with a lot of people and of course the blog.
My department at work has been going through re-structuring. We knew we would lose our jobs and have to apply for new ones in the new department.

I survived.
I pretty much have the same job with a bit of change in focus at a different location.

The last thing I wanted when I chose a career as a video producer was to work for a large corporation with goals different from my creative goals, but that is where I find myself years later. I like my work yet working in a corporate environment is torture.

As the old saying goes "at least you have a job" That should not be an end all ambition. The economy in Michigan these days has lead people to believe that any employment is good. Of course, I'm thankful, but am no longer content, no longer loyal, no longer will I put in that extra effort. I will coast as everyone around me has been for years. And save my creativity for where its appreciated. The hell with it all.

There are no advancement opportunities. Life in Michigan is a dead end (without the dead part). "At least I'm alive"

Well now that the agony of waiting months just to see if I would survive this change is finally over, back to life I go.

maybe even more blogging.


Ibn Bint Jbeil said...

there is more truth to the phrases "the hell with it all" and "at least i'm alive" than in the phrase "at least i have a job."

transient said...

not sure what that truth is, but these days, I don't know much.

Ibn Bint Jbeil said...

you know, you know, i know you know. you know how i know you know? i don't know.

elisa davinca said...

pssst ... do something

poshlemon said...


I don't know what to add other than look for a studio or a little company whose need for creativity meets with yours... But then again, after a while, we tend to take many things for granted.

Yes, more blogging would be appreciated ;_)

transient said...

IBJ, perhaps I do know.

Elisa, perhaps I will

Poshlemon, perhaps I am.

Or at least I shall. I am focusing on my projects since I really don't want to fall into a restrictive job anymore.

I will blog more, thanks for your support and to those who sent me e-mails.

transient said...

Elisa, just noticed the link, now I get it.

elisa davinca said...

I suggest we ALL visit them ... at the SAME time, at the SAME place