Friday, August 27, 2010

Shocking Ignorance

25% of Americans polled believe that Pres. Obama is Muslim. Shocked? Well it makes you think "what else do American's believe or reject?" here is a sampling...

25% of Americans believe there is no such thing as evolution.

21% of Americans still believe in Witches.

20% of Americans believe that the Sun revolves around the Earth.

41% believe that Saddam is responsible for 9/11.

85% of American soldiers in Iraq believe they are there for revenge for 9/11

63% of Americans can't find Iraq on a map.

90% can't find Afghanistan.

That may be foreign to them, but what about what they have been taught,
only 40% can identify the three branches of US government.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. I know there's more but just reading this made my head hurt.


Unknown said...

The Institute for War and Peace would like to invite you to apply to a
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Anonymous said...

very good information you write it very clean. I'm very lucky to get

this info from you.

Anonymous said...

Andrea rocks???

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Fowl Ideas said...

I've lived in America my entire life.

Americans are incredibly ignorant.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe a whole 75% believe in Evolution! Seriously?