Thursday, July 05, 2007

4th of July in you still miss it?

sure this looks like a professional display of some 4th of July fireworks in a large park somewhere

but this is in my neighborhood! The entire neighborhood was lit up by kids firing their extensive stash. The streets filled with empty shells and the air was smokey for hours. I can still hear them going off at 1:38 in the morning. I also saw the Dearborn police patrolling with no action taken, perhaps they were happy with the display of patriotism.


Marci said...

Wow - what a great picture! I didn't get to see any fireworks this year (rain, unfortunately), so it is nice to see your beautiful photo.

Anonymous said...

i actually live in dearborn, and i tried my darndest to miss it, but couldn't.

transient said...

marci, glad you liked it, thanks for visiting, you have an interesting blog, are you really a rabbi?

dearborn sausage, the world famous company? the neighborhoods are crazy for weeks around the 4th.

Anonymous said...

This is has been a really odd summer for me so far.Im usually not around during this time.So I dont remeber much about 4th of july.What a blur...

transient said...

so where have you been sweet?

Dareen said...

hey transient,
I was actually in Dearborn 4th of July 2006 :) It was a time full of weird events but a happy ending :) hope things are going well with u :)

Scent of the Levant said...

hello transient,

I really dont know to tell you the truth.Sometimes, we can get so preoccupied with the world around us we forget about the things that really matter.My body has been here but my mind and soul somewhere else.