Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Vortex of Pain

What can you do when there’s nothing you want to do?
How can shut it all down without ending your life?
How can you escape without being absent?
Or turn it all off without hurting the people who rely on you?
Where do you go?
I’ve tried time travel, tried geographic shifts and even treks into alternate universes.
Hell, I’ve even tried meditation and prayer.
And there is just nothing to bring on idle weightlessness. Nothing to silence the voices or bring to halt the twitching. Nothing to drown the thoughts or place them in a cryogenic state until the cure. There is nothing and nothing more.
But not the nothing I seek, this one has the incessant buzz of a low voltage leak hunting the first compromise of the shield to leap out onto my unsuspecting twitching hands attempting only relief and the fix but finding the sting of electric shock to toss me back into the cycle of cyclical thought un resolving my conflict yet compounding into a diseased strand to merge with past strands into a strain of incurable parasitic mind razors which lead me to forget what original thought thought of this torment .
And I want to shut it all down.
How do you shut it down without ending your life?
How can you escape without being absent?
How can you just turn it off before you’re the one who’s hurt?


Ibn Bint Jbeil said...

you really need to stop smoking already!

Are you going through mental-chemical withdrawal?

When you say cyclical, i see smoke rings.

When you say razor, I see sharp paper cut of cigarette filter edge.

When you say silence, I see nicotine in the blood.

When you say weightlessness, I see inhaling.

I hope you quit soon, and never go back.

Anonymous said...

I know life is depressing and all...bes commmmon now, there are still a few things here and there that will make u laugh! There has to be...it could be something sooo silly and small...

Its all in our head...we put ourself into depressed state! & we can get ourselves out of it!! SO SNAP OUT OF IT!!! :)

& maybe you should definetely quit smoking bro, if it is making you have this much emotional imbalance!

transient said...

Thanks guys for your insistance on me quiting smoking and it having to do with my "emotional imbalance"

It is not imbalance
but a burdening of burgeoning bursts.

Of course things are never as dire as they first appear, but to laugh we don't need a joke, what allows us to laugh is the ability to forget or turn away from horror or to ignore the state of things long enough to laugh.

So, Dareen, got a joke? IBJ? anyone?

Anonymous said...

ok..haidi 7azoura!!

How do you get two elephants out of the water??

Think of the most stupidest answer ;)

transient said...

I give up. One at a time?

Anonymous said...

OMG...u got it...i can't believe it hahahahahahaha......hahaha...lol

Anonymous said...

yih...mish funny!? you should atleast laugh at how stupid it is!!! :S

transient said...

(sorry been away on a site survey, gotta work at least a bit)
And yes it was funny in a primative way, thanks for the laugh :)

Anonymous said...
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