Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Permeable Peace

There is something inescapable, even through time-travel. That is the unbearable weight of moving, the intolerable dankness of breathing, and the incurable scope of wanting. It may be that we as individuals are ultimately insignificant, doomed to run the required maze and die. But what if we choose not to? We may never become able to lift our singular stain and leave fragrant petals. Yet if we consciously attempt an altered state, can all our burdens become pliable?........


Ibn Bint Jbeil said...

Is the pliability that you mention the key to understanding the burden, or is the pliability an objective to reach so that we can find the kuzbara at the end of the rainbow?
abstract abstract abstract

transient said...

That was a question for you. But as used in the sentence pliable means that burdens become moveble, managable giving you the ability to meander and yes find the kuzbara.

Ibn Bint Jbeil said...

ahhhh, kuzbara with lots of garlic...
makes you forget all your troubles.

Ibn Bint Jbeil said...

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